2024 Indicators Survey Supporting Documents

Documents at this link include:

Copy of the 2024 Indicators Survey Questions – This document is provided to give you a heads up on the survey content. You must submit your answers in the electronic survey, not in this document. 

2024 Stories Template with Robin Hood Memorial Award Pitch – If you prefer to focus on numbers in the online survey, you can use this template to tell some stories and make your pitch for the esteemed Robin Hood Memorial award. You can also tell stories and make the pitch directly in the survey. Please send high quality photos separately or in addition to embedding them directly in your submission. The embedded ones are not high enough quality to use in the Indicators Report.

Survey Methodology includes the objectives, rationale and methodology behind the questions to measure the 18  Indicators.

If you need human support with any of the questions, please contact smulkey@bccfa.ca. Susan will link you with a manager  who has lots of experience with completing the survey.

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