The devil’s in the details on ministers’ marching orders

By Vaughn Palmer

On a day when the B.C. Liberals were to lay out the agenda for a postelection session of the legislature, it is worth noting that Premier Christy Clark has already issued itemized marching orders to her ministers.

Vancouver Sun

On a day when the B.C. Liberals were to lay out the agenda for a postelection session of the legislature, it is worth noting that Premier Christy Clark has already issued itemized marching orders to her ministers. …For instance, among the dozen items on the list for Forests Minister Steve Thomson is to “consult with communities on the midterm timber supply report and implement area-based tenures as recommended to the legislature last spring.” The reference is to a measure introduced in the pre-election session to address concerns about looming wood shortages in Interior communities dependent on the pine-beetle-ravaged forests.

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