New Area Based Tenures?

Minister Thomson announces the beginning of the consultation period on Area Based Tenures (ABT)

Beginning April 1, a website is available to facilitate public consultation on ABT. The site includes a message from the Minister, a discussion paper on area based tenures and access to a blog  – go to the website

“Government is committed to broad public engagement on the topic of converting some or a portion of some volume-based forest licences to new or expanded area-based tree farm licences.”

The consultation is intended to help address the issue of a declining timber supply in B.C.’s Interior caused by the mountain pine beetle. The website is the place to learn more about the ABT concept and to provide your feedback.

Feedback is specifically being gathered on:

  • the social, economic and environmental benefits that should be sought from proponents interested in converting their forest licences, and
  • the criteria for evaluating applications and the process for implementing conversions, including specific application requirements and target locations for conversion opportunities.

Jim Snetsinger, a registered professional forester, will lead the process through meetings with stakeholders and posting of blog topics, questions and comments. The blog will be open for 60 days, until noon on May 30, 2014, at which time Jim will begin to prepare recommendations to government.

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