Fort St. James Community Forest Audit Finds Issues

“…the board is very pleased that the community forest corporation responded quickly to fix the problems and improve its procedures and training for operational staff”.

May 10, 2016
BC Forest Practices Board

VICTORIA – An audit of Community Forest Agreement CFA K1D has found that, while the Fort St. James Community Forest Corporation met many of the requirements of provincial forestry legislation, it also had some problems with operational planning, culvert construction, bridge construction and fire hazard assessments, according to a report released today. “While the auditors found a number of issues with the activities on the community forest, the board is very pleased that the community forest corporation responded quickly to fix the problems and improve its procedures and training for operational staff,” said Forest Practices Board chair Tim Ryan. The auditors examined forestry plans, timber harvesting, road and bridge construction and maintenance, planting and regeneration activities, and wildfire protection activities carried out since August 2013.

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