CFA Wildfire Workshop 2019 Presentation – Gord Chipman

Alkali Resource Management Contract Fire Crews
Gord Chipman – Manager, Esketemc Community Forest

ABSTRACT: Alkali Resource Management Ltd (ARM) is 100% owned by the Esk’etemc people. The Esk’etemc have a Community Forest, a First Nation Woodland License, a woodlot, and a salvage Forest license. All are managed by ARM on behalf of Esk’etemc by an independent board of directors. In 2017 ARM had a contract with the BC Wildfire Branch to provide eight 5‐person Type 3 fire crews, which were deployed for over 9 weeks. In 2018 ARM provided two Type 3 crews and five Type 3 crews, which were deployed on over 10 different fires as well as the fire in the Community forest on both 2017 and 2018. ARM also provides forest technicians for fire line locating and prepares task force teams with heavy equipment when Fire Hazards become high. ARM complements the winter season with fire hazard reduction projects and tree spacing. ARM has been working on a landscape level Wildfire Risk Management plan since May 2017 and has been utilizing provincial funding to alleviate wildfire risk around Alkali Lake. In the Future ARM has been tasked by the Esk’etemc to reintroduce fire on their landscapes and get back to traditional forest management through prescribed fire.


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