B.C. resource industries should be ready for a wild ride in 2015

B.C. natural resource sectors would be wise to strengthen their public relations teams this year; there will be no shortage of questions in 2015 about the

Business in Vancouver

A bright spot in the north this year, however, appears to be forestry. Last year, the impact of mill closures in Houston and Quesnel reminded us that forestry is still a major player in B.C., even if it doesn’t garner the headlines it once did. Industry analysts have been predicting a lumber market upturn for several years now, and it appears we’re finally in the midst of it. An ongoing reduction in B.C.’s interior timber harvest coupled with increased U.S. housing demand supports strong two-by-four prices in 2014. It also helps that Quebec has reduced its annual cut 35% since 2004, improving B.C.’s position to supply the U.S. market.

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