Quesnel Mayor Bob Simpson says one of the main ideas that came out of the discussion sessions was the idea of considering a forest as a whole, rather than as distinct “stands” of trees that have commercial value, as the industry currently looks at forests
Quesnel’s Future of Forestry Think Tank last week saw policy makers from local, provincial and First Nation governments, industry experts, funding agencies and researchers convene … to discuss opportunities for the forestry industry. …Minister Donaldson agrees that Quesnel, with its wealth of manufacturing facilities, is well-positioned to act as an incubator to develop ideas around the forestry industry, which can later be applied at a provincial level, if successful. …Quesnel Mayor Bob Simpson says one of the main ideas that came out of the discussion sessions was the idea of considering a forest as a whole, rather than as distinct “stands” of trees that have commercial value, as the industry currently looks at forests. …Simpson says there were also plenty of innovative ideas on the manufacturing side of the forestry sector. Dr. Guido Wimmers [spoke to] homes made of engineered wood products…
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