A local logging company said they want to be more involved with caribou recovery plans negotiations.
The Revelstoke Community Forest Corporation, which is owned by the City of Revelstoke, has a tree farm licence north of the city. The licence is 120,000 hectares in area.
The caribou plans could have vast economical consequences. According Mike Copperthwaite, general manager, up to 90 per cent of their licence is technically in caribou habitat.
Worst case scenario, said Copperthwaite, most of their licence would close, making it difficult to operate. Last year, the company provided the City of Revelstoke with $600,000 in dividends. And $300,000 the year prior.
Of the 120,000 hectares, 8,000 has already been put aside for caribou.
“We want to be a part of the solution,” said Copperthwaite.
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