KASLO, BRITISH COLUMBIA, FEBRUARY 1, 2011 – The Honourable Jean-Pierre Blackburn, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Minister of State (Agriculture), announced today that the Bridges – Linking Resources for Community Forestry project will receive a contribution of up to $169,000 to support economic development opportunities in the forestry sector.
“Our government knows that British Columbia’s forest-based communities are facing challenges due to economic and ecological factors,” said Minister Blackburn, who is also responsible for rural affairs and Co-operatives. “Community forests are one of the ways rural and First Nation communities can meet these challenges to create jobs and stabilize local economies. By providing them with the resources they need, we can ensure that new organizations reach their full potential.”
The British Columbia Community Forestry Association (BCCFA) will use the funding to develop and share information, tools and techniques that community forest organizations in 49 communities can use to create new opportunities for economic activities.
The project will take place in collaboration with the University of British Columbia Research Forest and the Faculty of Forestry. This will ensure that students are able to access new learning materials on community forests. The new expertise will also be more readily available through the BCCFA website, community meetings and presentations to reach a wider audience.
The funds are being provided under the Community Development Program, Building Rural and Northern Partnerships. This program is aimed at supporting projects that help stakeholders find solutions that reflect their needs, while sharing information and best practices with other communities. It also contributes to development of activities in which a number of communities and partners participate.
To learn more about Canada’s Rural Partnership and the Community Development Program guidelines, go to
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