Forestry Project on Haida Gwaii Incorporates Haida Culture While Treating the Land

In the West Coast Region in the Haida Gwaii District, Taan Forest, an enterprise established by HaiCo in
2010 to manage forests incorporating Haida values, is working on a forest rehabilitation project funded by the Forest
Enhancement Society of B.C. (FESBC). The project, valued at $344,000, is locally supported to achieve long term restoration
objectives in areas within the Yakoun River drainage. One of Taan Forest’s goals is to have a permanent silviculture crew on
Haida Gwaii comprised of members of the Haida Nation. The project is also assisting the crew to focus on restoring wildlife
habitat for salmon, black bear, and raptors while at the same time creating economic benefits of employment and enhanced
value of forest products such as Western Red Cedar.

“The overall plan for this project is multi-year,” said Jeff Mosher, Planning Manager for Taan Forest. “This funding allows us to
move forward with treatments to the land, which incorporates Haida culture and will benefit many species like the black bear.
By accelerating the transition of young trees, through thinning and fertilization, to become forests with more old growth
characteristics and values, we will improve black bear habitat. The project will also restore forests within the river valley with
benefits to salmon and other fish and many spin-off benefits to goshawk, eagles, saw whet owls, bats and many other resident
and migratory birds. With FESBC funding the planning, overstory removal, fertilization, and thinning, it’s an exceptional
collaboration with what we hope will provide some outstanding results.”

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