Forestry has been top of mind among Burns Lake residents for the past week as the government has started its public comment period on the Lakes Timber Supply Area (TSA).
On April 29 the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (FLNRORD) released its Lakes TSA Timber Supply Analysis Discussion Paper.
It followed that up two days later with an open house in the Gathering Place, where about 200 people came to read information displays and ask questions of officials from FLNRORD.
It was the second year in a row when public discussion of the regional timber supply drew large crowds to the Gathering Place.
No sooner was the discussion paper released when rumours began circulating in the village and on social media that the Annual Allowable Cut (AAC) would be reduced by half and lead to numerous job losses among residents working in forestry.
The current AAC, set in 2011 is 1.6 million cubic metres. The Forest Act stipulates that the chief forester has to determine the AAC of the Lakes TSA every 10 years.
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