OUR Members

Community Forest Members

Type of Organization: Municipal Corporation AAC AAC Volume: 18,156 m3 Area: 3,230 ha Organizational Structure: The Community Forest tenure is held and operated by the Alberni Valley Community Forest Corporation (AVCF) which is 100% owned by the City of Port Alberni. Board Members: The board of directors for the AVCF is comprised of seven directors appointed by the City of Port Alberni (the shareholder) Mission Statement: The vision of the Alberni Valley Community Forest is to put control of lands and resources into the hands of local people by building a financially viable timber and non-timber forest resource business which provides benefits to the community and manages the forest in a manner that achieves a balance between community values and practicable management. Contact Information: Chris Law, Manager manager@communityforest.ca 250-731-7377 Alberni Valley Airport 7500 Airport Rd. Port Alberni, BC.>

Website:  Alberni Valley Community Forest

AAC Volume: 860 m3

Area: 361 ha

Organizational Structure: Society with election of Board members at the Society’s Annual General Meeting

Board Members: In electing Directors, the membership shall strive for equal representation of Huu-ay-aht and Bamfield communities.

Partners: Village of Bamfield and Huu-ay-aht First Nation

Mission Statement: To operate an ecologically and financially sound forest in perpetuity for the benefit of Bamfield and Huu-ay-aht First Nation communities.

Contact Information: Charlie Clappis, President, 210 Clutus, Bamfield, BC, V0R 1B0 Tel: 250 728 3677 bhcf.office@gmail.com

AAC Volume: 27,000 m3 Area: 6,757 ha

Partners: Town of Ucluelet and Toquaht First Nation Organizational Structure:

Limited Partnership

Mission Statement: To enhance community stability and quality of life for local residents through community control of the forest resource providing employment and utilizing forest resources in a diverse manner that is environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable; ensuring a vital community and community forest land base, and a financially sound community forest business, for the benefit of current and future generations.

Contact Information: Terry Smith, Board Chair 250 726 7553; tdsmith@telus.net

Eric Holbek Manager manager@barkleyforest.ca

Barkley Community Forest Corporation PO Box 759 1971 Peninsula Road, Ucluelet, BC V0R 3A0

Website: Barkley Community Forest

AAC Volume: 30 000 m3

Area: Total landbase is approximately 127,248 ha; however, due to the extremely mountainous topography, only 7.2% or 9,270 ha comprise the timber harvesting landbase.

Organizational Structure: Tenure is held by the Bella Coola Resource Society (BCRS), a non-profit entity made up of residents and property owners in the Bella Coola Valley. All aspects of management, administration and execution of operations on the tenure are exclusively contracted to Bella Coola Community Forest Ltd (BCCFL), which is made up of investors that are local residents and/or property owners. Profits from the enterprise are distributed to the local shareholders which includes the BCRS. The BCRS will then allocate its earnings to community projects, charities or improvements. An advisory board also provides input to the management of forest resources.

Mission Statement: The Community Forest contributes significantly to achieving a self-reliant and sustainable community through a locally controlled, financially sound and responsible community forest business that operates within the sustainable capacity of a healthy environment to enhance the quality of life for all valley residents.

Contact Information: Hans Granander, RPF, General Manager, PO Box 216, Hagensborg, BC V0T 1H0, tel:250-982-2515 fax 250-982-2535, email: hcgranander@gmail.com

Website: Bella Coola Community Forest

Type of Organization: Limited Partnership & Society Tenure: Long Term

Community Forest Agreement

AAC Volume: 20,000 m3 Area: 33,018


Partners: Squamish Nation, Lil’wat Nation, Resort Municipality of Whistler Organizational Structure: Limited Partnership with a Society serving as the General Partner Board Members: 2 seats reserved for each member

Mission Statement: The CCF is managed under the following principles: • Ecosystem Based Management • Forest harvesting is compatible with Whistler 2020 and First Nation cultural objectives • Capacity building, and First Nations and local contracting will be favoured • Forest planning and operations will respect the land use plans of each of the parties, and the Whistler 2020 goals.

Contact Information: Heather Beresford 4325 Blackcomb Way, Whistler BC Tel: 604-902-5554 info@cheakamuscommunityforest.com Website:

Cheakamus Community Forest

Type of Organization: non profit society

AAC Volume: 1500m3

Area: 1081 ha

Organizational Structure: Community based Board with representation from other Cherryville institutions.

Board Members: 6-15 directors elected by the members. Voting Members must be Cherryville Residents.

Mission Statement: Neighborly Stewardship – To have as healthy a forest in forty years as it was forty years ago.

Contact Information: Wayne Cunneyworth email: wayne@cunneyworth.com Mailing Address: 158 North Fork Rd. Cherryville, BC V0E 2G3 phone:


Website: Cherryville Community Forest

Volume (ACC): 16,613 m3

Area: 35,729 ha

Organizational Structure: Nation Band Limited Company with Chief and Council as the board.

Board Members: Chief and 2 Councilors Mission Statement:

Contact Information: Ben Wilson forestryonline@gmail.com

Mailing Address: 1215 Keefes Landing Rd Southbank BC V0J 2P0

AAC Volume: 150,000 m3

Area: 90,658 ha (gross area) ~58,000ha THLB Partners:

Organizational Structure: Limited Partnership with each partner holding equal shares: Burns Lake Band, Village of Burns Lake, Cheslatta

Carrier Nation, Lake Babine Nation, Nee Tahi Buhn First Nation, Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako Regional District (Area B and E), Skin Tyee First Nation, Wet’suwet’en First Nation

Board Members: Each shareholder appoints a director.

Mission Statement: Chinook’s vision is sustainable forest management that fosters and supports a healthy and vibrant local community and economy for current and future generations. Chinook’s mission is to effectively and efficiently manage a community forest to maximize the benefits to all residents in the Lakes District.

Contact Information: Ken Nielsen, Manager email: ken.nielsen@chinookcomfor.ca Mailing address: Box 4000 Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0

Website: Chinook Community Forest

AAC Volume: 20,000

Area: 62,374

Partners: none

Organizational Structure: Limited corporation with the Village of Clinton as the sole shareholder

Board Members: Five directors appointed by Mayor and Council including one Council member and four members at large, preferably one member from First Nations”.

Mission Statement: The Clinton & District Community Forest of BC Limited strives to balance economic, ecological and social concerns in a manner that optimizes benefits for both the local and global economy.

Contact Information: Steve Law, RPF, Manager adventuresports@shaw.ca 250-706-9251 Website: Clinton and District Community Forest

AAC Volume: 25 000 m3

Area: 21,329 ha

Partners: Wildsight, Town of Creston, Regional District of Central Kootenay Organizational Structure: Full-time Forest Manager reports to the Board for all forestry and business management. Part-time Office Administrator reports to the Forest Manager and is responsible for all business administration.

Board Members: Currently an eight member Board of Directors: five from the community at large and one representing each shareholder.

Mission Statement: To efficiently harvest the allocated volumes while protecting the integrity of other resources and enhancing social and economic benefits of the community.

Contact Information: Daniel Gratton, Forest Manager, e-mail: dgratton@crestoncf.com 

Office Administrator: admin@crestoncf.com
Phone: 250-402-0070
Fax: 250-402-0070 121 

Northwest Blvd. Box 551 Creston, BC V0B1G0

Website: Creston Valley Forest Corporation

AAC Volume: 38,000m3
Area: 15,569 ha

Partners: none

Organizational Structure: Board of Directors appointed by the District of Houston. Management Agreement with Canadian Forest Products

Board Members: Appointed by the District of Houston

Mission Statement: To sustainably manage the Community Forest through local input and control, for the economic, social, and environmental benefit of the community and land base.

Contact Information:
Dungate Community Forest
Box 1481, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0
Contact: Nikki Royer
Email: dungatecomfor@houston.ca

AAC Volume: 15,000 m3
Area: 20,009 Ha

Organizational Structure: Community based society

Board Members: Elected by the members of the Society at the Annual General Meeting Mission Statement: The Dunster Community Forest Society serves the social, environmental and economic needs of the community

Contact Information: Kevin Taphorn, Manager: kevin@dunstercommunityforest.ca; Phone: 250-569-7434
Larry Stamm, Chairperson: larry@dunstercommunityforest.ca

CFA Address: Box 100 Dunster BC V0J 1J0  

Website: Dunster Community Forest 

Type of Organization: Partnership Tenure: Community Forest

Agreement Volume

AAC Volume: 40,000

Area: 114,571 ha

Partners: The Tatla Resource Association and Alexis Creek Tsi Del Del First Nation

Board Members: The ECF is governed by a board of 6 Directors, 3 from each partner organization

Organizational Structure: Limited partnership

Mission Statement: Through the Eniyud Community Forest initiative, the Tatla Resource Association (TRA) and Tsi Del Del First Nation endeavor to work together on a sustainable local economy while protecting the biodiversity and natural beauty of the area. This intricate balance is at the heart of our partnership.

Contact Information: Eniyud Community Forest Ltd.
Mike Tomlinson mike@consus.ca
177 Yorston St Williams Lake, BC V2G 1G6

Website: Eniyud Community Forest

AAC Volume: 17,000 m3 Area: 21,906 ha

Partners: no formal partners

Organizational Structure: Administration is conducted through Esketemc First Nation Forest Products Ltd, a company that is wholly owned by Esketemc First Nation.

Board Members: 5 Board members

Mission Statement: The Esketemc First Nation considers their community forest as a key economic driver for their community. It is an opportunity to increase their community economic and social stability. The economic contribution will come through forestry jobs in planning, managing, harvesting, reforesting, and manufacturing products from the community forest. These functions will assist them to employ their traditional relationship with the land and to demonstrate their interest in the land base for furthering cultural and heritage values.

Contact Information: Francis Johnson  email: francis@armltd.org
Phone: 250 440 5870

Address: Box 78 Alkali Lake, BC V0L 1B0 Website: Alkali Resource Management

AAC Volume: 217,650 m3 per year from 184,682.41 hectares of Crown land, including a BC Timber Sales volume reservation of 32,650 m3 annually for the part of the land base within BC Timber Sales’ operating area. Of the 217,650 AAC, Coniferous Volume is  118,000 m3 per year and 99,650 m3 is deciduous volume.

Partners: Northern Rockies Regional Municipality and the Fort Nelson First Nation

Contact Information:  fncommfor@gmail.com

Phone: 250-775-1685

AAC Volume: 23,895 m3

Area: 15,131 ha

Organizational Structure: Municipal corporation. The Mayor and Council of the District of Fort St. James are the body responsible for the effective management of the Fort St. James Community Forest. Community Forest Tenure is in the name of the District of Fort St. James (municipality). Governance is by municipal council consisting of Mayor and four councilors. Council has contracted with KDL Group to manage the community forest operations.

Board Members: Fort St. James Mayor and Councilors.

Mission Statement: To facilitate the active participation of the community in the stewardship of the land base and to demonstrate its capability to practice exemplary stewardship of an extremely complex, diverse and rich area while practicing sound and viable use of resources.

Contact Information:
Darryl Valk, Community Forest Manager – dvalk@merakiresources.com

Alexander Bihori, District of Fort St. James – Alexander.Bihori@fortstjames.ca

Website: Fort St. James

Tenure: Seeking invitation

Partners: currently ToG Mayor, Area A Director, Louisiana Pacific Golden, Denise English, Forestry, Brian Amies Forester, Brian Gustafson, Biologist and interested community members. 

Mission Statement: To investigate the options available for a community forest in our community and the benefits it can provide to the community.

Contact: Denise English deniseafter60@gmail.com 250-344-2698

AAC Volume: 10,000 m3

Area: 10,932 ha

Partners: No official partners

Organizational Structure: Co-operative

Board Members: Up to 12 directors on the co-operative board. Directors are elected for 1 and 2 year terms. Any community member over the age of 16 can be a member. Half of the directors are elected from the Harrop-Procter Watershed Protection Society.

Mission Statement: To actively manage our forests for the resilience and health of our community and environment.

Contact Information: Erik Leslie, Forest Manager, Erik@hpcommunityforest.org, 250 505 3311;
Britta Barteski, HPCC Coordinator, coordinator@hpcommunityforest.org, 250 229 2271;

Website: Harrop-Proctor Community Forest

HFN manages a CFA on the South Island of 2,345 Ha with an AAC of 16,992 m3. HFN Forestry LP manages four forest tenures as well a log sorting yard.

Patrick Schmidt, CEO, patrick.s@huuayaht.com 778-421-2663

Website: HFN Forestry Ltd.

AAC Volume: 25,000 m3

Area: 32,510 ha

Partners: none

Organizational Structure: A society managed by a forest consulting team supported by part time admin

Board Members: Nine Directors govern the Society. Seven of the nine are directly elected by the members to two-year terms, one is appointed by The Regional District and one is appointed by the Village of Kaslo.

Mission Statement: The mission of the society is to manage the diversity of the values of the community forest in an ecologically responsible and fiscally accountable manner on behalf of the people of Kaslo and Area D of the Regional District of Central Kootenay.

Contact Information: Jeff Reyden, RPF manager@kaslocommunityforest.org 

Kaslo and District Community Forest Management Box 789 Kaslo, BC V0G 1M0 Tel: (250) 354-9803 

Website: Kaslo Community Forest

AAC Volume: 10,000 m3

Area: 1,786ha

Organizational Structure: Khowutzun Forest Services (KFS) is a partnership with Cowichan Tribes as the limited partner and KFS Ltd as the general partner. .

Mission Statement: The KFS partnership focus is to provide opportunities to Cowichan Tribe members to participate in the forestry industry.

Contact Information: Rob Furness 


Phone: 250-746-8350

Mailing Address: Khowutzun Forest Services Limited P.O. Box 967, 200 Cowichan Way Duncan BC V9L 3Y2

Website: Khowutzun Forest Services Ltd

ACC Volume: 25,000 m3

Area: 11,963 ha

Partners: Likely Community Forest Society and the Soda Creek Indian Band each hold one share.

Organizational Structure: Limited Partnership. A part-time manager contracts out all work under the guidelines presented by the limited company board.

Board Members: Six including three from each community.

Mission Statement: Through the collaboration of community members in Likely and Soda Creek, we intend on creating a model multi-use forest that ensures environmental quality, while creating economic opportunities. This forest will become the focal point for community pride.

Contact Information: Matthew LeBourdais RPF General Manager: mattycan@telus.net

Box 233 Likely B.C. V0L 1N0

Phone: 250-305-2800

Website: Likely-Xatsull Community Forest

AAC Volume: 20,000 m3

Area: 12,579 ha

Partners: District of Chetwynd, West Moberly First Nation and Salteau First Nation

Organizational Structure: Limited partnership with District of Chetwynd, West Moberly First Nation and Salteau First Nation

Contact Information: Derek Dyck dyckderek@yahoo.ca
Box 1156 Chetwynd, BC, V0C 1J0

AAC Volume: 24,000 m3

Area: 16,627 ha

Organizational Structure: Municipal Corporation

Board Members: Board of Directors (8 members)

Mission Statement: Purpose: The Company has been incorporated for the purpose of forestry management and investment

Contact Information:
Randy Spyksma, RPF rspyksma@forsite.ca; 250-832-3366

Address: PO Box 988 Logan Lake, BC V0K 1W0

Website: Logan Lake Community Forest

AAC Volume: 20,800 m3

Area: 8,254 ha

Organizational Structure: Not for profit Society with a Board, and Manager

Board Members: 12 directors representing the five communities of the Lower North Thompson Valley

Mission Statement: To establish local control of dedicated forest resources for the long-term sustainability of the five participating communities. To secure for these communities an opportunity to be more self-determined. To engender economic stability in these communities. To practice and model exemplary stewardship of this local forest environment.

Contact Information: Mike Francis 
Phone: 250-672-1941
Email: LNTCFSociety@telus.net

Address: Box 983 Barriere, BC, V0E 1E0

Website: Lower North Thompson Community Forest Society

Type of Organization:

AAC Volume: 50,000 m3

Area: 62,406 ha

Partners: No official partners

Organizational Structure: Corporation wholly owned by Village of McBride

Volunteer Board of Directors appointed by the council of the Village of McBride. Supervises and provides policy direction to General Manager who then hires and supervises staff and contractors.

Mission Statement: The long-term vision of the McBride Community Forest Corporation is to serve the social, environmental, and economic needs of the community. In general terms, we will sustainably manage the forest for all of its potential rather than just timber.

Contact Information: Craig Pryor gm@mcfc.ca

Website: https://mcfc.ca/

AAC Volume: 36,000 m3 Area: 24,193 ha

Partners: McLeod Lake Indian Band and District of Mackenzie Organizational Structure: Corporation/Limited Partnership

Board Members: Limited Partnership with the Corporation as the General partner. 7 person board; 3 members appointed by the McLeod Lake Band; 3 appointed by the District of Mackenzie; 1 appointed by a majority of the rest of the board.

Mission Statement: The McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest Corporation will strive to fulfill its environmental, economic and social objectives. The community forest will be managed under the principles of ecological sustainability, economic viability, local employment, localized value-added or manufacturing opportunities, forestry education and training, identification and recognition of culturally significant areas, and outdoor recreation opportunities.

Contact Information: Dan Boulianne, RPF
Email: generalmanager@mlmcf.ca

Address: Box 340 MacKenzie, BC V0J 2C0
Phone: 250 997 1027

Website: McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest

AAC Volume: 43,398 m3 Area: 10 500 ha

Partners: No official partners, although we do liaise and communicate with a variety of groups or individuals.

Organizational Structure: Municipally owned Tenure: Tree Farm License # 26

The Forestry Department that manages the operation is a department within a normal municipal structure. The Director of Forest Management heads the Department and reports to the Chief Administrative Officer, who reports to Mayor and Council.

Board Members: Seven, including Mayor and six councilors who are elected by the residents of Mission in municipal elections every 3 years.

Mission Statement: Overall Forestry Department Goal – “To manage the Mission Municipal Forest considering integrated use, environmental principles, forest management knowledge, and legislative requirements to optimize economic, social, and environmental forest values.” 

VisionStatement – “The best in sustainable community forestry values will be developed and delivered in the Mission Municipal Forest, in an efficient manner. Mission residents will be proud of the MMF, can expect a valuable stream of benefits from their forest and will be able to incorporate it into their daily lives. The MMF will be a forest operation known throughout BC for its innovation and leadership”.

Contact Information: Chris Gruenwald, R.P.F. Manager of Forestry Business Tel: 604-820-3764 Email: cgruenwald@mission.ca

Website: Mission Municipal Forest

AAC Volume: 21,595 m3 

Area: 7,405 ha

Partners: Splatsin First Nation and the Village of Lumby

Organizational Structure: Limited Partnership. Lumby and the Splatsin will split any revenue 50/50.

Board Members: The community forest is managed by a committee consisting of representatives from the village and the Splatsin First Nation.

Contact Information:

Manager: Frank Joe frank.joe@splatsindc.com


Monashee Community Forest LLP

5655 Hwy 97A, Enderby, BC V0E 1V3

Phone (250) 547-2171 

Website: Monashee Community Forest

AAC Volume: 20,000 m3

Area: 9,149 ha

Partners: none

Organizational Structure: Corporation with shares wholly owned by the Village of Nakusp.

Board Members: The NACFOR Board of Directors consists of seven directors appointed by the Village, including a member of the Village of Nakusp Council, a member of the RDCK Area K and five members representing local communities and interests.

Mission Statement: NACFOR strives to balance economic, ecological and social concerns in a manner that optimizes benefits for both the local and global community.

Contact Information: Mike Crone, Manager
Email: mcrone@cabinworks.ca
Box 925, Nakusp, B.C. V0G 1R0 
Phone: 250-307-1869; 250-265-3603 Nakusp office

Website: Nakusp and Area Community Forest

AAC Volume: 10,400 m3

Area: 2391 ha

Organizational Structure: The CFA Tenure is held by NICF Limited Partnership which has three Shareholders owning equal shares in the business. The Shareholder Representatives are Mayor Corbett-Labatt, Mayor Kevin Cameron and Mayor James Furney (or designated Councillors) from three communities.

Partners: Village of Port Alice, District of Port Hardy, Town of Port McNeill

Mission Statement: To innovatively manage our forest tenure to deliver long term benefits to North Island communities.

Contact Information: Megan Bose, Manager, PO Box 694 Port McNeill, BC, V0N 2R0

AAC Volume: 25,000 m3 

Area: 7,109 ha

Organizational Structure: Limited Company, City of Powell River is the sole shareholder Board Members: 9 member volunteer board

Mission Statement: To manage crown resources in the most biologically sound manner addressing all resource uses and serving to diversify the local and regional economy.

Contact Information: Chris Laing, Forest Manager Phone (604) 487-9540

Community Forest Office Powell River Community Forest Ltd. 4760 Joyce Ave. Powell River, BC V8A 3B6

Website: Powell River Community Forest

AAC Volume: 31,498 m3
Area: 7,981 ha

Tenure: CFA with a BCTS volume reservation

Partners: The Qala:yit Community Forest is a partnership between the Cowichan Lake Community Forest Co-operative, the Pacheedaht First Nation, and the provincial government.

Organizational Structure: The Co-operative is operated by a board of directors and alternates from 6 organizations, 2 districts, a township and three independent directors.

Contact Information: Lorne Scheffer schefferl@shaw.ca
Box 36 Lake Cowichan, BC V0R 2G0

Tenure: Seeking Invitation for a CFA

Contact Information: Erin Robinson erobinson@quesnel.ca

AAC Volume: 100,000 m3

Area: 119,000 ha

Partners: Downie Timber, Kozak Sawmills, Cascade Cedar

Organizational Structure: Corporation under the municipal government The tenure is Tree Farm License # 56. 100% of shares owned by City of Revelstoke; Timber Removal Agreements with partner mills. Five paid staff: general manager, accountant, operations forester, woods supervisor, administrative assistant

Board Members: Seven member Board of Directors, four city councilors or staff, three appointees from the community

Mission Statement: Community Goals: local control of local resources, economic security/stability and job protection, access to information and a voice in decision making, forest enhancement and environmental protection, revenue to benefit the community, community pride in direct management and ownership of local resources

Contact Information: Kevin Bollefer, General Manager
Email: kevin@rcfc.bc.ca
Phone: (250)-837-5733
Fax: (250) 837-5988
Address: Box 3199 Revelstoke, BC V0E 2S0 

Website: Revelstoke Community Forest Corporation

AAC Volume: 7,100 m3

Area: 15,981 Ha

Organizational Structure: Cooperative

Board Members: Operating with a board of seven directors.

Mission Statement: To create and operate a financially sound community forest business that fosters community and ecological health.

Contact Information: Stephan Martineau President, Slocan Integral Forestry Cooperative
Email: stephan@sifco.ca
Phone: 250 226 7012 

PO Box 189 Winlaw BC V0G 2J0

Website: Slocan Integral Forestry Cooperative

AAC Volume: 13,500 m3

Area: 17,730 ha

Board Members: Interim Board with three representatives from the Lil’wat Nation and three representatives from the Village of Pemberton.

Organizational Structure: Spel̓kúmtn Community Forest (SCF) will be held and managed by Spel̓kúmtn Community Forest Limited Partnership (SCFLP). The initial management of the SCF will be completed by Lil’wat Forestry Ventures LP, reporting to the Board of the SCFC.

Partners: SCFLP is a partnership between the Lil’wat Nation (LN) and the Village of Pemberton (VOP) where Spelkumtn Community Forest Corporation (SCFC) is the General Partner and the LN and VOP are Limited Partners. The LN and VOP are shareholders of SCFC.

Mission Statement: Spel̓kúmtn Community Forest Limited Partnership will operate a safe, profitable and sustainable community forest. The community forest will be managed for environmental, social and economic values while taking into consideration the desires of its member and neighbouring communities.

Website: https://www.spelkumtncf.com/

Contact: Andrea Blaikie

Contact Information:  spelkumtncf@gmail.com

Phone: (604) 894-6115 ext. 2250

Box 605 Mount Currie, BC V0N 2K0

AAC Volume: 20,000m3
Partners: Squamish Nation and the District of Squamish
Organizational Structure: Limited Partnership
Mission Statement: To steward the Squamish Community Forest in a manner reflecting and sustaining environmental and cultural values while providing social and economic benefits to its member communities for generations to come.
Contact Information: 
Rick Jaccard
1124 Enterprise Way, Squamish, BC V8B 0E9

AAC Volume: 20,000 m3

Area: 10,790ha

Organizational Structure: The District of Sechelt is the sole shareholder of Sechelt Community Projects Inc. which was incorporated for the purpose of managing the Sunshine Coast Community Forest.

Board Members: A Board of Directors consisting of 9 volunteer residents of varying backgrounds from the Sunshine Coast is elected by mayor and council to oversee the management of the business and affairs of the Corporation.

Mission Statement: Creating a legacy for our citizens by being exceptional stewards of our forest while balancing environmental, economic and social aspirations of the community. 

Contact Information:
Warren Hansen, Operations Manager warren@sccf.ca 

Sara Zieleman sara@sccf.ca 

Box 215, 213 – 5710 Teredo St Sechelt, BC  V0N 3A0

Website: Sunshine Coast Community Forest

AAC Volume: 43,490 m3 Area: 39,986 Ha

Organizational Structure: Municipally owned limited company. The Tumbler Ridge Community Forest has as of July 24, 2012 changed to a Corporation with the sole shareholder being the District of Tumbler Ridge. A corporation; Tumbler Ridge Community Forest Corp.

Board Members: The board is made up of 7 members, one of which is the mayor or his designate. The other members are appointed volunteers from the community.

Mission Statement: Vision: To be the model Community Forest in British Columbia. Mission: To manage our Community Forest in an environmentally sound and ecologically sustainable manner providing direct benefits to the community such as economic diversification, employment, education, and recreation.

Contact Information: Duncan McKellar RPF. Forest Operations Manager
Phone: (250)964-2375
Email: dcmckellar@telus.net

2532 Kenney Court, Prince George, B.C. V0C 2W0 Website: tumblerridgeforest.com

AAC Volume: 56,514 m3 

Area: 70,182 ha

Organizational Structure: Municipal corporation with Valemount as the sole shareholder.

Contact Information: Kalina Velez
Email: manager@valemountcommunityforest.ca

Address: Valemount Community Forest Company Ltd. Box 1017 Valemount, BC, V0E 2Z0

Website: Valemount Community Forest

AAC Volume: 80,000/yr for 5 yrs, then reduced to 30,000/yr (or 45,000/yr for 25 years)

Area: 23,181 ha

Organizational Structure: Licence is held by the District of Vanderhoof and managed through a comprehensive forest management agreement with L&M Lumber.

Board Members: 7 Board Members are elected officials, Mayor and Council. Election every 4 years.

Mission Statement: The vision of the Vanderhoof Community Forest is to put control of lands and resources into the hands of local people by building a financially viable timber and non-timber forest resource business which provides benefits to the community and manages the forest in a sustainable manner that achieves a balance between community values and practicable management.

Contact Information: Margaret Stewart
Email: cfo@district.vanderhoof.ca
Phone: 250-567-4711

Website: Vanderhoof Community Forest

AAC Volume: 33,000 m3 (20,000m3 – with a uplift of 13,500)

Area: 13,148 Ha

Organizational Structure: The Corporation operates under the direction of a Board of Directors comprised of eight volunteer members. The licence is held by the Wells Gray Community Forest Society and the Society dispenses the profits to the community.

Board, Manager. Net Profits are re-invested into communities within Wells Gray Country via an independent society.

Board Members: The officers of the Corporation consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary and a Treasurer. One director position is reserved for Simpcw First Nations. The board oversees the management of the business and affairs of the Corporation.

Mission Statement: The Wells Gray Community Forest Corporation’s mission is to operate and manage a Community Forest Agreement License on a long term sustainable, environmental, and social plan that will maximize economic opportunities and benefits for the residents of Wells Gray Country.

Contact Information: George Brcko, Manager
Email: george.brcko@wgcfc.ca
Phone: 250-674-3530

209 Dutch Lake Road Clearwater BC, V0E 1N2

Website: Wells Gray Community Forest

AAC Volume: 5,000 m3

Area: 4,527 ha

Type of Organization: municipal sole shareholder

Board: governed by a Board comprised of seven Directors

Contact Information: Lindsay Kay
Email: wbcfcoordinator@gmail.com

P.O. Box 69 Wells, BC V0K 2R0

Website: Wells-Barkerville Community Forest

AAC Volume: 55,000 m3

Area: 46,560 ha

Organizational Structure: The community forest is managed by Ntityix Resources LP (formerly Heartland Economics LP), a wholly owned subsidiary of Westbank First Nation (WFN) responsible for all of WFN’s forestry holdings. Heartland Economics LP is one of a consortium of companies reporting to the Westbank First Nation Development Company Ltd. Ntityix Resources LP has one staff forester (forestry manager) and two staff forest technicians. Other professional services are provided by independent consultants and contractors with preference given to First Nation held companies. Harvesting, hauling and road construction activities are undertaken by contracting companies owned by WFN members.

Board Members: The forestry manager reports to Chief and Council.

Mission Statement: The Westbank First Nation will manage their community forest in a manner that ensures a balance of economic, social and environmental values that will provide increased benefits from the forest resources for its members, other forest users and neighbouring communities.

Contact Information: Dave Gill, RPF, General Manager
Email: dgill@ntityix.com
Phone: 250 768 5617

102-3480 Carrington Rd, Westbank, BC, V4T 3C1

Website: Westbank First Nation Community Fores 

AAC Volume: 23,000 m3 

Area: 19,964 ha

Partners: The Villages of Greenwood and Midway 

Organizational Structure: Limited partnership jointly owned by the Village of Midway and City of Greenwood.

Board Members: The West Boundary Community Forest is governed by an appointed 6 member Board of Directors representing the communities of theCity of Greenwood and the Village of Midway.

Mission Statement: West Boundary Community Forest is committed to managing a local forested area to maintain a sustainable, economically viable, healthy and safe forest environment that will provide for the local community; opportunities for education, employment and enjoyment, by, using approved management techniques and by following the existing laws of the land, adhering to higher level plans and by respecting and recognizing the rights of other legitimate land users.

Contact Information: Dan Macmaster, Manager
Email: dmacmaster@oib.ca
Phone: 250-528-0344

West Boundary Community Forest Inc. P.O. Box 160 Midway, B.C. V0H 1M0 

Website: West Boundary Community Forest

AAC Volume: 30,000 m3 

Area: 22,369ha

Partners: Town of Smithers, Village of Telkwa

Organizational Structure: Limited Partnership. The Board consists of seven Directors with representation from Town of Smithers, Village of Telkwa, Northern Engineered Wood Products, Office of the Wet’suwet’en and three directors at large. Tenure management and woodlands services are provided through contract.

Mission Statement: The goal of Wetzin’kwa Community Forest Corp. is to manage the area for the long term economic, environmental, and social benefit of the residents of the Bulkley Valley. This includes:  planning and management that will reflect the local communities’ values, encouraging compatible multiple uses on the landbase by various resource users; and maintaining functional integrity of ecosystems on the landbase for long term sustainability and diversity of plant and animal species.

Contact Information: Sam Coggins
Email: management@wetzinkwa.ca

Box 565 Smithers BC, V0J 2N0 

Website: Wetzin’kwa Community Forest


AAC Volume: 40,000 m3

Area: 28,828 ha

Partners: City of Williams Lake and the Williams Lake Indian Band

Organizational Structure: Limited Partnership – 499 shares to each limited partner, 2 shares to the general partner.

Board Members: Board of directors of the General Partner Board is 6 people, three appointed by each limited partner. The majority of appointees from each partner must be arm’s length from Council / Chief and Council, so max 1 council/staff person from each partner. .

Contact Information: Hugh Flinton, Forest Manager
Email: manager@williamslakecommunityforest.com
Phone: 250-302-2634

WL Community Forest LP, 2561 Quigli Dr, Williams Lake BC, V2G 0B1

Website: Williams Lake Community Forest 

AAC Volume: 4,900 m3

Area: 23,182 ha of the Xaxli’p Survival Territory / Crown forest land Partners: none

Organizational Structure: First Nation owned Corporation. The community forest is managed by the Xaxli’p Community Forest Corporation, a company owned by the Xaxli’p First Nation. Xaxli’p Community Forest Corporation has a five person Board of Directors elected by the community to oversee the operations of the community forest. Daily operations of the company are run by a Community Forest Manager, with support from a four person Forest Crew, and a consultant Forester.

Board Members: The Board of Directors includes one Board Chair and five Board Directors. Directors serve two-year terms and are elected by the Xaxli’p community at our Annual General Meeting.

Mission Statement: Considering the needs of present and future generations, Xaxli’p Community Forest Corporation (XCFC) carries out ecologically and culturally sustainable land use for the benefit of Xaxli’pmec and the other beings in Xaxli’p Survival Territory. The responsibilities of XCFC extend throughout Xaxli’p Survival Territory, which includes the Community Forest Agreement area.

Contact Information: 
Phone 250-256-4228
Fax 250-256-4803
Email: forestrymanager@xaxlip.ca
Address: 1433 Fountain Valley Rd., PO Box 19, Lillooet, BC, V0K 1V0

Website: Xaxlip Community Forest

Supplier Members

B.A. Blackwell & Associates Ltd.

B.A. Blackwell & Associates Ltd. (Blackwell) provides integrated forestry and environmental consulting services to a wide range of government and private sector clients and First Nations.

Contact Bruce Blackwell inquiries@bablackwell.com

Chartwell Resource Group Ltd.

Chartwell Resource Group Ltd. provides natural resource management consulting services to a wide range of clients in government, industry, and First Nations. We have grown from a small group of operational foresters into a multi-disciplinary team offering a broad spectrum of natural resource management consulting services from four offices in British Columbia. 

Contact Cliff Roberts info@crgl.ca

DR Systems Phoenix Connect

Designed by foresters for foresters, Phoenix Connect is a cost-effective, easy to use forestry management application that allows companies to efficiently plan and track their silviculture, planting, harvesting and roads management activities, generate geo-referenced pdf maps and easily create government and company reports all in one place. We have affordable pricing packages for smaller operations; give us a call to arrange a demo and stop wrestling with multiple spreadsheets!

Contact Fiona Walsh FWalsh@drsystemsinc.com

Ecora Engineering & Resource Group

Ecora is eager to work with Community Forest partners with forest interests of all sizes and tenures, or we can help with establishing your licenses and tenures for future use. Our Registered Professional Foresters and GIS specialists can help you understand the complex needs of your land base, update your forest inventory, act as a liaison or facilitator with government officials, stakeholders and First Nations, and help you visualize the future of your Community Forest.

Forsite Consultants Ltd

Forsite has a passion and vision for community forests in BC. We look to support community forests establish themselves and be successful.

Forsite is an integrated forest management company providing value to our clients through innovative and operationally realistic solutions.  We understand that each community forest has unique needs and we work with our clients to support them in their success – from strategic analysis to planning to operations and field services – including inventory, timber supply, climate change, wildfire and environmental stewardship.

With more than 35 years in forest management, Forsite is unrivaled in the diversity and depth of forestry knowledge and skills we can apply to creative and collaborative solutions.  Contact our team to learn more about how Forsite can support your thriving community forest. 

Contact Randy Spyksma rspyksma@forsite.ca

Geoterra IRS

Geoterra has highly experienced and qualified British Columbia Forestry Professionals with a strong working relationship with Government, Industry and First Nations. We provide a wide range of comprehensive, high-quality forestry and land management services in a safe and cost-effective way. We have extensive experience in all aspects of forestry across many industries – including but not limited to forestry, mining, oil and gas, government and private sector. Our services range from pre-development or multi-phase planning, through harvesting and clearing operations to reclamation and silviculture activities.

Contact Matthew Pilszek matt.pilszek@bc.geoterra.net


PRT Growing Services is the largest producer of container-grown seedlings in British Columbian with nursery locations in Campbell River, Pit Meadows, Nelson, Armstrong, Vernon, Coldstream, Prince George and Smithers. Our network of nurseries has the capacity to custom grow more than 180 million seedlings every year. In the 26 years we have been in business, PRT has established a strong leadership position in our industry by working closely with our customers and by providing reliable reforestation products at a competitive price. 

Contact Dan Livingston dan.livingston@prt.com

Silvacom FMS

Silvacom FMS is an integrated system of geospatial cloud-based forest management applications that empower forestry companies to plan harvesting activities, track operations, manage silviculture, generate georeferenced maps and much, much more. The Esri- based geospatial software solution offers sophisticated, powerful and easy-to-use workflows and has been thoughtfully designed to help forestry companies meet jurisdictional requirements.

Contact Zach Cole zachary.cole@silvacom.com



National in scope and local in focus, MNP is one of Canada’s leading professional services firms — proudly serving individuals, businesses, and organizations since 1958. Through the development of strong relationships, we provide client-focused accounting, consulting, tax, and digital services. Our clients benefit from personalized strategies with a local perspective to fuel success at every stage.

Contact Jason Fisher Jason.Fisher@mnp.ca


Top Down Enterprises Inc.


Heavy equipment sales and service, specializing in niche forestry attachments for steep slope harvesting, selective thinning, forest fuel management, and wildfire mitigation. Dealership for Timbermax, Nisula and Seppi M.

Contact Roseanna Niedziejko office@topdownent.net


Frontera Forest Solutions


Frontera Forest Solutions is a forestry and environmental consulting firm at the forefront of wildfire planning, community engagement and sustainable forest practices.We help governments and communities develop wildfire resilience with tailored, accessible, and innovative solutions. We’re committed to tackling the challenging problems at the forefront of our industry with innovative solutions that acknowledge the value of traditional practices, while always looking forward to a better future.
Principal Contact: Nick Soverel nsoverel@fronterasolutions.ca



SenseNet leads the way in protecting the environment with cutting-edge technology. We focus on stopping wildfires before they become uncontrollable, using smart sensors and AI to detect them early and send fast alerts. Our goal is to keep people, infrastructure, and the natural environment safe from wildfire. We’re always looking for new ways to improve, making sure we offer the best solutions for today’s climate challenges. With SenseNet, there’s hope and strength in facing these issues head-on.

Contact Leila Verjee leila@sensenet.ca