In BC, you would be hard-pressed to find a single piece of legislation that was more reviled by the B.C. business community – or more costly – than the B.C. Forest Practices Code. … So when COFI president Susan Yurkovich recently invoked the Code as an example of what might return to BC if recommendations for overhauling BC’s professional reliance model are adopted, it may have sent a chill up the collective spine of all resource industries in BC, especially forestry. …“That’s exactly why the last system was ultimately rejected. Basically it gridlocked the regulatory scheme.” But the BC Ombudsman is applauding Haddock’s work, saying it echoes many of the same recommendations the office has made for improving the professional reliance model. …Professional associations fear a return to a more prescriptive regime in which government bureaucrats dictate each decision, every step of the way.
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