In 1920 it was National Forest Fire Prevention week
According to the Canadian Forestry Association (CFA), National Forest Fire Prevention Week was established around 1920 to promote a greater public awareness towards preserving Canada’s forests. “At the time, there was no apparent shortage of trees for industrial expansion — the greatest threat came from forest fires, due mainly to human causes,” reads an excerpt from the CFA website. It wasn’t until 1967 that the week was renamed National Forestry Week to “encompass the many and varied human and environmental aspects of Canada’s forest resources — past, present and future.” A short drive around Merritt will reveal how many residents depend on B.C.’s forests for their livelihood. From mills to trucking companies, repair shops to the Merritt Green Energy Project, the trees surrounding the Nicola Valley have helped this town grow tall — if you’ll pardon the pun.
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