2020 Conference and AGM
Nakusp – May 27-29
due to Covid 19 precautions
After much research, thought and discussion, the BCCFA and the 2020 host, Nakusp and Area Community Forest have decided to postpone the conference. Gatherings of 50 people of more in BC are to be cancelled due to Covid 19, and while we do not know whether this directive will still be in place at the end of May, based on the best information from health authorities and a sense of responsibility, we have all agreed that postponing the conference is the best choice. The uncertainty of what things will be like in late May makes planning impossible, and the status of the virus in the fall is also unknown. Therefore, we are in agreement that rescheduling for 2021 in late May or early June is a good plan. The Nakusp folks are willing to host in 2021, and we are well ahead of planning at this point so it makes sense to follow through. We are grateful for their support and flexibility.
All conference orders, including sponsorships and trade show tables have been refunded in full.
If you have made accommodations reservations at the Arrow Lakes Inn, there is no need to call, as all reservations have been cancelled. If you booked at another place, you will need to make your own cancellations.
In the Meantime
We have discussed organizing a series of webinars to help fill the gap and keep our membership connected. We will have more on that in the coming weeks. Look for information in the BCCFA newsletter. If you are not already subscribed to the newsletter, you can sign up at this link
Thank you for your understanding.
Be well through this great challenge and remember to get out in the forest.
Walking is good for all of us.
Nakusp and the Arrow Lakes have long been a meeting place for First Nations from around the Columbia system including the Ktunaxa (Kootenay), Secwepemc (Shuswap), Syilx (Okanagan), and Sinixt (Colville) Nations. We welcome you to join us and take in beautiful southeastern BC.
We have organized 2 pre conference field trips to showcase exceptional Kootenay innovation. On May 26, trips are offered to the Kalesnikoff Mass Timber plant and SIFCo’s fuel management on their community forest. You are on your own for transportation to these field trips. To attend the Kalesnikoff tour, you must be registered for the full conference. Read more about these offerings below.
The Silent Auction will be held at the Thursday night banquet. All contributions are gratefully accepted. Funds raised will go towards student sponsorships for the 2021 conference.
Our program is under development. Look for updates in the coming months. Current information is available through the BCCFA newsletter and website. Subscribe to the newsletter
Tuesday May 26 Pre-Conference Field Trips
Pre Conference Field Trip 1 – Kalesnikoff Mass Timber Plant
1:30 Meet at the Plant in South Slocan
This brand new, innovative facility features engineering of cross laminated timber (CLT) panels and glue laminated beams. read more
Pre Conference Field Trip 2 – SIFCo’s (Slocan Community Forest) Wildfire Resiliency Program
4:00 Meet at the Silverton Village Hall
With a priority lens on climate change adaptation and wildfire preparedness they have been involved in planning and carrying out fuel management treatments on and adjacent to the CFA since 2009. They have developed a comprehensive fire behaviour model and a system of fuel treatments for the Wildland Urban Interface area (WUI) read more
Wednesday, May 27th
8:00-1:30 Field trip to NACFOR’s operating area with lunch in the field
1:30 – 3:30 Conference Sessions
6:00-10:00 Reception with appetizers, a no-host bar and words of welcome from local dignitaries, conference sponsors and the BCCFA Board.
Thursday, May 28th
8:30-4:30 Sessions on key government initiatives and topics of importance to community forests.
6:00-10:00 BCCFA Annual Banquet, Awards and Silent Auction
Friday, May 29th
8:00-12:30 The day will begin with the BCCFA AGM, followed by conference sessions
Thank you for supporting our conference
About the Nakusp and Area Community Forest
The Nakusp and Area Community Forest Corporation (NACFOR) is owned by the Village of Nakusp and is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors appointed by Council. The Community Forest Agreement was granted in 2007 in response to a community-led initiative for more control over the local land base. The CFA area is approximately 9185 hectares, comprised of eight geographically separate areas, mostly situated in the front country along Upper Arrow Lake. NACFOR’s mission is to provide social, environmental and economic benefit to Nakusp and area by sustainable management of the community forest land base. NACFOR’s goals focus on building an entity that can continue to strengthen its economic position while building social licence. Along with forest development, harvesting and silviculture activities, NACFOR supports local recreational infrastructure and activities, wildfire risk reduction, education and community-led programs. Profits are shared back to the community through dividends to the shareholder and local donations. link to NACFOR

photo credit Rory McLeod
About Nakusp
Nakusp is located in the West Kootenays, on the shores of Upper Arrow Lake in the Columbia Mountains. The area has a rich history of First Nations, mining, forestry, water transportation, hydro-electric development, and more recently, outdoor recreation and tourism. The Sinixt, the Sepwepemc, the Ktunaxa and the Okanagan Nations all have interests in the Arrow Lakes region. In the early 1800’s, Nakusp was settled as a mining town. Not long after, logging and milling became cornerstones of the economy, and remain an important economic base for the community today. The Arrow Lakes valley is characterized by productive forests of primarily Douglas-fir, western larch, cedar and hemlock stands. Local hot springs and the natural beauty of the Arrow Lakes lend themselves to a growing industry in outdoor recreation and tourism. Information on Nakusp and area
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