Reforestation under climate change – A Study

Purpose: to understand the impacts of government policies and regulations on reforestation decisions in British Columbia (BC) and the factors that promote and constrain alternative reforestation strategies under climate change.

Procedure: complete an anonymous and confidential web-based survey that will take at least 20 minutes to complete.  You will be presented with some questions about: current reforestation policies and practices in BC, climate change, alternative reforestation strategies.

Participate: target respondents include people with experience developing/approving reforestation strategies OR preparing/approving stocking standards and forest stewardship plans in British Columbia.

With University of British Columbia Professor John L. Innes as Principal Investigator, and myself as Co-Investigator, the objective of the study is to understand the impacts of government policies and regulations on reforestation decisions in British Columbia and the factors that promote and constrain alternative reforestation strategies under climate change.

In accomplishing this objective, we seek to evaluate the opinions of people with experience in the process of developing reforestation strategies, preparing or approving stocking standards and/or forest stewardship plans in BC.  Opinions will be captured through a web-based questionnaire, and the data collected will help develop a better understanding of the policy needs for facilitating climate change adaption in the BC forest management framework.

The questionnaire takes at least 20 minutes to complete, and participation is voluntary.  The identity of the respondents will be completely confidential and the answers anonymous.  Results will be available upon request. To participate CLICK HERE

David Perez, M.Sc. Student
Department of Forest Resources Management

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