As part of the partnership with BC Wildfire Service, the BCCFA conducted an in-depth Needs Assessment from 2023-2024 of community forests to determine objectives and capacity for wildfire planning and related activities.
The Needs Assessment included interviews with 27 CFAs and a survey with 8 CFAs — over half of the CFAs currently operating across BC, focusing on topics of wildfire planning, collaboration and partnerships, wildfire risk reduction activities, capacity and funding requirements, climate change adaptation, and future management priorities. These data were combined with information from BCCFA Indicators Reports and collaborative research conducted with the University of British Columbia to complete the Needs Assessment.
Community forests are demonstrating leadership in coordination and management to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire. They see the urgency of the problem for their communities and they have prioritized fuel management activities on their landbase. Funding from internal and external sources has supported the planning and implementation of these activities to date as verified by the Community Forest Indicators Survey, Indicator 13.
The Province of British Columbia identified wildfire risk reduction through community forests as a mechanism through which employment can be generated as a part of Covid-19 economic recovery. The economic recovery dollars are allocated through the Crown Land Wildfire Risk Reduction (CLWRR) stream of the Community Resiliency Investment (CRI) program, and coordinated by the BCCFA in partnership with the BC Wildfire Service (BCWS).
UPDATE – September 22, 2022
In a series of news releases, the provincial government acknowledges the work of community forests and the BCCFA to reduce the risk of wildfire around their communities.
People within the Thompson-Okanagan region will have greater protection from wildfires through a provincial investment in a series of community-led projects. The BC Community Forest Association co-ordinated with 15 community forests on 48 Crown Land Wildfire Risk Reduction projects, including 11 within the Kamloops Fire Centre Region. These projects are part of the ongoing work to adapt and better prepare for climate change.
“Managed by local communities and First Nations for the benefit of the entire community, community forests are key partners in our work to reduce wildfire risks across the province,” said Katrine Conroy, Minister of Forests.
…“Community forests are important partners in managing forested land near communities,” said Jennifer Gunter, executive director, BC Community Forest Association. “By partnering with the BC Wildfire Service, community forests are demonstrating an effective and efficient path forward to address wildfire risk while also supporting local employment opportunities.” READ MORE
Regional releases:
Find more information on the projects that are in the works to utilize this funding by clicking on the community below.
The BCCFA will distribute more than $5 million to community forest agreements around BC.
The BCCFA distributed more than $5 million to community forest agreements around BC.